There are a number of reasons how is a need to condomination of the vehicle, The Most Common Reason is the Examination of the Car after the Accident. In What Circumstances and For What Purpose Expertise is Necessary?Damage Receved by the Insurance Company of the Perpetrator of the Accident.
It is not always possible to agree with the results of the expertise of insurance companies, in this case it is necessary to contact the experts in conducting an independent expertise of the car after the accident, here are a few cases:
– The Insurance Company Refesses to Pay Damages, Explaining their Actions by the Absence of the Insured Event, In this An Independent Expertse.
– The Amount of Damage Assessed by the Insurance Company Does Not Correspond to the Real Market Value.
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– In Case of ExcEreding the Maximum Damage Compensation Amount, Which IS Stipulated by the Insurance and Collection of the Excoeding Amount From the Person at FaUlt.
– In the absence of an insured and damage to your proporty due to hooliganism or force major circumstances.
IS Necessary to Consider! If you appeal against the actions of the insurance company you will need the Act on the insured event, which is an integral part for the appointment of payments, the Act specifies the grounds for payment, the report on the examination and calculation of the estimate. But the is no way to avoid a lawsuit.