Repeatedly to Hear About the SO -Called Cars – Drowners. As a Rule, Such Cars Appear in the Markets After Floods in Europe. And, UNFORTUNATELY, Their Number is MEASURED Not by HUNDREDS, BUT by Thusands.
Official Dealers Are not Associated with Sales of Such Cars, But on the Market to Meet Such a Car Is Quite Possible. In European Countries, Such Cars are Very Cheap, and All Because EuroPeans are used to work their Safety and Try to Quickly Get Rid of South Vehiclesles. And OUR PEOPLE, TAKING Advantage of this, REDEMS THESE CARS from Them and Fuming Up a Little, Sell Them in Our Countries for Quite of Money.
At first glance it will not be possible to undersStand Whather The Car Was Drowned Or not. Before Traveling to the Markets, Such Cars Undergo Thorough Preparation, Inter Which Its Will BE QUITE Difficult to Disassemble The Drowned Man to Disassemble The Drewned Man Quhed Man.
Search for Traces of Water in the Cabin, Dirt or Sand Under the Hood is not Worth. Nowadays, The Methods with Which You Can Remove the Defect Or Traces of Water, Very Progressive, Things on Which They Carefulls.
TheFore, look for Traces that the Machine Was in Water is Needed on Suspended Elements, Engine and Transmission. Take, For Example, Shock Absorbers, Inter Interrupting In Water, They Be Without Lubrication, and Traces of Corrosion On Them Cany Reemain. ALSO, The Steering Mechanism and Transmission Nodes Will Be Damage by Water. In no case, you do not need to be lazy and check their condition on the lift, since the replacement of the lbricant in them Ispensive and Time-heart.
If during the check in the oil there is the Pressence of Foam Cloudy White Color, this Will Be the First Signed the IS Water in the Lubricant. .
And the Last STEP FOR ONE HUNDRED PERCENT Confidence Will Be, Removing the Thresholds and Checking Welds. This must be Done, BecAuse Its Almost Impossible to Remove Moisture from these Places, and if it was still present there, the there will bes beginner corrosion.