You can Safely Consider the Eight of Audi One of the Most Favorite Tuning Machines. This is Prved by Another Novelty from anderson. The Audi R8 V10 in A Version for Racing, With Anngine Power of 585 Horsepower, Was Not Presented So Long Ago, But The Fact that Descriptions and Conversations Deserved Beforved – IT DECPEREAREANEARENTS – IT DECPEAREAREATORENTS – IT DECPEREAREAREAREAREAREAREAREAREAREAREAREAREAREAREAREAREAREARETORES – IT!.This is the New “Er eight”, in General, with the Novelty thes a Problem, that is, the is little this very novelty. Rarely, One of the Tuners to Maintain an Apperance in Appearant and At the Same Time Not to Spoil EVERYTHINGA AMAS OF PLASTIC WITH CARBON. Experts from the Tuning Atelier of Anderson DID EVERYTHING CORRECTLY, FINALIZing the Appearant of the Car Only with The Front Spoiler, Headlight Inserts, Diffuser, AIR IntaKALLL WING. The Main Material is Carbon. This style is commenteded by the Frame of the Rear Windbreaker, Carbon Casing of Mirrors, As Well as Carbonate Disss with Orange Edgining, Which Are Equippeed with Tires 29630 And 29530 and 2953535353535353535333.
With a Power Supplement, EVERYTHING IS Quite Simple. . At the Same Time, They Vid Not Forget to Modernize the Intake Systems. The Result is Plus 60 Horsepower, As Well as Plus 12 Kilometers Per Hour To Maximum Speed.
The Interior of this Car Is Poured into the Carbon. EVERYTHING IS Sticktly on the Topic. The Equipment Includes Carbon Reinforce, Finishing with Alcantra and Skin with an Orange Stitching, As well as a small Supplement in the An alu. For Additional Funds, Specialists of the Tuning Studio Can Power Multimedia System with The Drive and An Integrated Prefix. That. Nothing is Known About the Price of this Pumped Car, But now Its Clear that Car Will Be for Sure, Especially If You Are Interested in the Usual Audi R8.